The sometimes random thoughts and pictorial journey of a Northwest gardener and her backyard.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday, Monday
Tough row to hoe today. After having a couple of days off I found it a little tough to get going this morning. Work went well in spite of myself though and the day went quickly. Spouse picked up the supplies we needed for the greenhouse and we will try to work on it tomorrow. The neighbors have listed their house on the market for 289k and are hoping to sell quickly.
In the garden:
I've cut the shrub roses down so that I get a nice Sept. display of blooms
Need to deadhead the daisies. I've planted a shorter variety that have done really well. The taller ones seem to fall over. We picked up three more "midnight" Salvias. The ones in the beds now are a little behind. I will try to remember to protect them this winter either by covering them or potting them up in the greenhouse.

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About Me

A little older, a little wiser. Northwest born and raised.