The sometimes random thoughts and pictorial journey of a Northwest gardener and her backyard.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What a Haul!!!

Thanks to my freind Cathy I have an el camino full of treasures. It's always a treat when other gardeners are re-doing their yards. I've inherited 2 spirea, a large kerria, a fragrant climbing rose, 2 large new zealand flax, a couple of barberries, and a handful of sedum. Oh, and a clump of iris. Whee!!
I've planted the Kerria next to the tuscan garden gate. I love the pea green stems. I planted one of the spirea on the hillside and the other nest to the terrace. The barberries I planted up along the fenceline and a large flax between the patio and the flagstone terrace. Oh and I did get those lilies planted.

Thanks Cathy... I owe ya.

Friday, March 24, 2006

It's Friday. At last.

A breezy, rainy, blue sky, grey sky day in the NorthWest. Came home from work and walked around the yard with the camera to record the latest outcroppings.

Windowbox on the shed

Tulips in the compost bin

Peonies popping

Little cherub

Wooden shoes waiting for summer blooms

The little side yard...
the only afternoon shade I get

Waiting to be planted

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday...Friday Eve.
Looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully the weather will be condusive to working in the yard. I really do need to plant those lilies. I'm thinking that I will plant them en masse near the tuscan garden or maybe along the fence behind the terrace. I want to be able to enjoy the fragrance.

Smiling leaf man peering
through honeysuckle.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Gate that leads to the Tuscan Garden from the terrace.

Spring had sprung I swear.
Blue sky, warmth of sun on face, a slight giddiness, and a sudden urge to head for the local Lowes where I felt compelled to buy some oriental lilies. Okay so I bought them. I’m looking at them as I write. My one glorious day of spring has left as quickly as it came leaving me damp, chilled and grumbly. I will plant them. I will.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring is here. I can now officially turn on the wall fountain. Eventually the hogwire fence behind will be covered with an evergreen clematis. This is part of my "Tuscan" garden.

Husband Dan has decided to go after the invasive quack grass with a vengence. We will probably have to kill off the all the bad spots and then reseed. It's an ugly process but will be worth it a few months down the road.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy Tulips and Springs first glimpse

Spring. It's peeking out. These little tulips have been doing a great job of naturalizing in the front yard. I need to extract some from beneath the shrubs and start letting them spread out in the back yard. Tinnus of my favorite shrubs. It just keeps blooming. And I also love the purple-blue berries what a show.

The beginnings

The sleepy garden. Or it's beginning to look a little like spring. I stood smack in the midle of my back yard and snapped a series of pictures coming back full circle. you'll see several projects underway. Hopefully I will do this again from time to time as the season progresses

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hooray, a little blue mixed in with the clouds today. Just enough hope of spring to make me want to get home and root around a little. Too bad my job has to interfere with my life. I wander through other peoples landscapes all day and get inspired to do a little something in my yard. So many projects so little time. For example... My little pond that I put in last year is looking a little small. It is one of those preformed semi-kidney shaped things. It's probably a good scale for my little back yard and the koi were happy until the local racoon decided to have a little sushi. And then there is the flagstone terrace I'm working on. Our lawn is really shrinking. I am obsessed with adding a little more bed here and there. I tore off a perfectly good deck last year exposing the concrete pad beneath. I then stained it with Iron (rust really) to go with my tuscan garden theme. I have a yard full of little vingettes, places to sit, relax, and enjoy a cup of tea. I never do these things mind you, but I will someday.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Welcome to the Garden.

About Me

A little older, a little wiser. Northwest born and raised.